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The field of sleep medicine and research is constantly evolving and changing as we learn more about the human body, mind, and how we sleep. There are hundreds of scientists across the country performing exciting research which they’re inviting you to be a part of! You can be a part of shaping sleep medicine in Canada by perusing the opportunities below.

Êtes-vous un travailleur de la santé souffrant d’insomnie ?

L’étude HCW-CBTi vise à évaluer l’efficacité d’un nouveau programme technologique. Vous êtes invité à participer à distance et virtuellement à l’aide d’un appareil connecté à Internet pour accéder à Digi-CBTi pendant 12 semaines.

Cette étude recrute actuellement des professionnels de la santé résidant au Canada, confrontés à des problèmes de sommeil et à la prise en charge de patients en première ligne. Les participants devront avoir accès à un téléphone portable ou à un ordinateur avec internet.

Pour plus d’informations, cliquez ici.
Pour toute question, veuillez contacter l’équipe de recherche à l’adresse suivante :SleaPProgram@uhn.ca

HCW-CBTi study

Est-ce que vous souffrez d’insomnie ?

Participants recherchés pour une étude de traitement de l’insomnie

Participants recherchés pour une étude de traitement de l’insomnie

Souffrez-vous de la narcolepsie ou de l’hypersomnie?
Nous recherchons des patients pour une nouvelle étude.

Avec cette  étude, nous espérons en apprendre davantage sur les causes et effets de l’hypersomnie idiopathique et de la narcolepsie sur le cerveau.

Sleep Apnea Care in Canada: A Patient Survey / La prise en charge de l’apnée du sommeil au Canada: un sondage auprès des patients

Have you been diagnosed with sleep apnea?

You are invited to participate in a UBC study, “Sleep Apnea Care in Canada: A Patient Survey”.
This study is led by Dr. Nick Bansback (University of British Columbia) and Dr. Sachin Pendharkar (University of Calgary) and funded by the Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network.

We aim:

  • To see how health service delivery and costs for sleep apnea differ regionally; and
  • To identify barriers to optimal sleep apnea diagnosis and management in Canada.

This 20-minute online survey will ask you a series of questions about how you were diagnosed with sleep apnea, the treatments you have tried, the health care providers involved in your care, as well as the impact of sleep apnea on driving and at work. The information obtained from this study will be used to inform policymakers to make better decisions about the care for patients with sleep apnea.

If you are interested in participating, click here to access the survey.

If you have questions about the study, please contact:
Dr. Nick Bansback, nick.bansback@ubc.ca; 604-827-5453
Dr. Sachin Pendharkar, sachin.pendharkar@ucalgary.ca; 403-210-3904

Sleep Spindle Crowdsourcing Project

Help Sleep Science!

We would like to invite you to participate in our sleep spindle crowdsourcing project. The purpose of this project is to create a high-quality library of spindles, so that we can better understand the biology of spindles, how they may be involved in disease, and to help engineers make better algorithms to find sleep spindles automatically. The dataset and any algorithms that are produced will be freely available.

We are recruiting trained sleep technologists who are willing to volunteer a small amount of time to score sleep spindles using an internet interface. The interface is designed to make the task easy, and it can be done from anywhere on a laptop or computer using your internet browser.

If you would like to participate, please go to:

You begin by registering, then there will be a short description of the interface, and then you can get started!