Informations de l’insomnie
Bien que l’insomnie persistante soit un problème grave, tant pour la personne atteinte que pour la société dans son ensemble, elle demeure trop souvent non traitée, parce que non reconnue. Cette programme à pour objectif de fournir des perspectives concises sur les plus récentes avancées scientifiques et cliniques réalisées sur le plan du dépistage, du diagnostic et de la prise en charge de l’insomnie.
Estimates of Duration and Quality of Sleep Among Canadians
Estimates of the quality and quantity of sleep of Canadians is available from three recent reports:
- Adults – (Statistics Canada) Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) from 2007 to 2013
- Children & Adolescents – Canadian records from the 2013/2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (HBSC)
- Children – Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) from 2007 to 2013
Use the buttons below to view the respective reports.
ParticipACTION Report Card
The 2016 ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth is the most comprehensive assessment of child and youth physical activity in Canada. The Report Card synthesizes data from multiple sources, including the best available peer-reviewed research, to assign evidence-informed grades across 12 indicators. Over the years, the Report Card has been replicated in numerous cities, provinces and countries, where it has served as a blueprint for collecting and sharing knowledge about the physical activity of young people around the world.
This Report Card includes new Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth: An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep – the first of their kind in the world – and, for the first time, assigns a Sleep grade.
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Driver fatigue
The Royal Society of Canada has recently published an article written by Professor Alistair MacLean of Queen’s University, entitled « Commercial Motor Vehicles Driver Fatigue, Long-Term Health, and Highway Safety: Research Needs ». The article provides a Canadian perspective on a report published by the National Academy of Sciences in the United States, and is part of a series commenting on external reports.
Engaging Patients in Sleep Disorders Research
In September 2015, a half-day workshop was held in Toronto that focussed on patient engagement in research on sleep disorders. Sleep professionals and patients came together to discuss how to integrate patients as partners in the research process in the study of four major sleep disorders: 1. Restless Leg Syndrome, 2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea, 3. Narcolepsy, and 4. Insomnia.
This report summarizes the CIHR funded workshop hosted by the Canadian Sleep Society and the Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network.
Pediatric Sleep
On May 4th 2012, a CIHR-funded workshop entitled “Stop Dreaming! Integrating Pediatric Sleep into the Health and the Education Systems – Reasons, Barriers, and Facilitators” was held at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. Subsequent to the workshop, the position statement was developed though the integration of input from workshop speakers and attendees.
This Position Statement On Pediatric Sleep has been endorsed by the Canadian Sleep Society.
Managing sleep apnea using oral appliances
Position paper by Canadian dental sleep medicine professionals regarding the role of different health care professionals in managing obstructive sleep apnea and snoring with oral appliances
Canadian Respiratory Journal, Vol. 19 No. 5, September/October 2012
Please visit the website at: Canadian Respiratory Journal, e-mail:
CSS/CTS portable monitoring
Canadian Sleep Society (CSS) and Canadian Thoracic Society (CTS) position paper on portable monitoring for obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea publication in the Sept/Oct 2010 issue of the Canadian Respiratory Journal.
Please visit the website at: Canadian Respiratory Journal, e-mail: